Matt Greene
2023-07-08 18:52:34 UTC
I am re-posting a chat transcript from the SOD site, and with just a short
editorial comment: Any gal who loves Hole (Courtney Love's band) is
awesome, IMHO. -Alice
As the World Turns' Annie Parisse
September 24, 1998
[INLINE] SODhost: Hello, all! Welcome Annie, who has just joined us!
ANNIE PARISSE: Hi to everybody! I'm really excited to have this little
talk. :)
ConnieRD asks: I love you and Jack together. Are they going to keep
you a couple?
ANNIE PARISSE: Gosh! Only time will tell, right?! I hope so, too,
majones47 asks: Was it fun doing the scenes with Carly? Looked like
the two of ou were having a god time
ANNIE PARISSE: Oh, it was great! I absolutely love working with Maura,
she's wonderful.
joybrow asks: Hi Annie What do you think about Brad and Julia getting
together in the future?
[INLINE] ANNIE PARISSE: Personally -- and this has nothing to do with
what anybody with power on the show has to say, this is just Annie's
opinion -- personally I think it would be hard to make that work
because of all the bad feelings Jack has about Brad. Even if Julia &
Jack were to break up, I think she really respects his opinion, and
would really hesitate before becoming involved with Brad. But, you
never know!
rstatezny asks: why did you decide to go into acting
ANNIE PARISSE: That's a hard one. I guess I wouldn't say I really
decided, I've been doing it since I was ten or eleven and there was no
other choice for me.
TEAM_ROPER_21 asks: where are you from?
ANNIE PARISSE: I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and went to high school
in Mercer Island in Washington state.
ARRONB asks: Miss Parisse where did you attend college?
ANNIE PARISSE: Fordham College at Lincoln Center in Manhattan
psvr asks: Hi Annie Parisse! Do you like playing a "good" character
and would you like to play a "bad" one too (although I can't imagine
you ever being "bad.")
ANNIE PARISSE: LOL Yeah, I love playing a good character. This is the
first time that I've ever gotten cast this way. In college, I often
got cast as the bad girls, so for me this is a fun change. But yes, I
do like playing bad characters too :)
[INLINE] tenneyfan asks: What was it like play delievering Lily's
baby? Did you have trouble not laughing?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yes. It was fun. It was a little hard, because I've
never seen a baby being born. So I had to use a lot of imagination
and, I mean, of course Martha is one of the funniest people I've ever
worked with. So yeah, the jokes were flying!
Rose_in_Virginia asks: Have you blended well with the cast members,
both new and old at ATWT?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yeah, I think so. I have said this before but I'll say
it again. I am just stunned. I feel so lucky to be part of such a
wonderful group of people. Everyone is so welcoming and down to earth
and as a new person that's so wonderful to come into -- People to
encourage you and give you a helping hand. The veterans are all like
that, so it encourages the new people to be that way too. So it's
really a wonderful environment to be working in.
BluBerryKiwi asks: Are there any plans to bring any of Julia's family
to Oakdale?
ANNIE PARISSE: I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine
KES1969 asks: Does Julia still have a big secret that she is hiding?
[INLINE] ANNIE PARISSE: Doesn't everybody?
majones47 asks: Annie, are you ready for a love scene with Jack?
ANNIE PARISSE: Annie is nervous about doing those kinds of scenes, but
I think Julia is ready
[INLINE] ConnieRD asks: Annie you did a good job bossing David. I
didn't think you had it in you!
ANNIE PARISSE: Hey, neither did I... will wonders never cease? It's
great that they're taking her in that direction... that they're
writing it that this good girl has some intense backbone
KES1969 asks: Is the Jack/Julia/Carly triangle going to be long-term?
ANNIE PARISSE: It's a soap, what do you think? ;-)
LindseyWFU asks: Hey Annie! You were great in your fight scenes with
Daniel Markel. Did you do your own stunts?
ANNIE PARISSE: There was a fight choreographer there. I did all the
moves, but the choreographer set each move up so we had a lot of
dolphingurl89 asks: What kind of music do you listen to?
ANNIE PARISSE: All kinds.. Im very ecletic when it comes to music..
Some favorites are old country music like Hank Williams, Wanda
Jackson, Patsy Cline and .... I just bought the new Hole CD, so
there's a contrast for ya!
rstatezny asks: What hopes do you have for the future as far as your
career goes?
ANNIE PARISSE: Well, I hope that all goes well for my stay with ATWT
and I would love to try working in film. I've never done that before
so that would be very exciting for me. But a lot of people who start
in theatre say this -- and I fall in that category, so -- I hope I can
go back to the stage because that's the place where I discovered I
wanted to be an actor
[INLINE] KES1969 asks: Annie, I think you are doing a great job as
Julia. What is it like working with Michael Park?
ANNIE PARISSE: I could just go on and on. I could just gush about him.
He has a wonderful sense of humor which makes it such a joy to work
with him... He just lightens the mood. He's a very giving person too..
He's someone who's always playing on your team. You know that when
you're playing scenes with him, he's not going to let you fall, which
is great
KKaren45 asks: Annie, do you think Jack will marry Julia?
ANNIE PARISSE: We're getting way ahead of ourselves! We've only known
each other 6 months! :)
Arcticcatluver asks: Are you married?
ANNIE PARISSE: No, but I have been dating the same guy for 3 1/2
years.. so I'm seriously involved. So I'm not single either
dreucillia asks: Were you a theatre major or anything in school?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yes. I majored in theater
majones47 asks: Do Jack/Holden/David really along as well as it comes
across on the set?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yeah, absolutely. They are very very funny together.
They have a great rhythm and they go golfing all of the time
ANNIE PARISSE: Of course. He has a wonderful voice. How could anyone
not like when Michael Park sings to them
LindseyWFU asks: Do you think we'll be seeing anymore of Prince
ANNIE PARISSE: I don't think so, but don't take my word for it.
KES1969 asks: Will you be at the upcoming St. Judes Benefit?
SODhost: Are you performing?
rstatezny asks: what is your fave snack?
ANNIE PARISSE: My favorite snack at the moment are macadamia nuts
cobweb46 asks: Is this your first job on a soap
[INLINE] KES1969 asks: I loved your hostage scenes with Maura West.
How do you like working with her?
ANNIE PARISSE: I like it. :) A lot of our scenes are so over the top
that they're almost funny, they're really pushing it and we just start
laughing.. We get the giggles and they're like "Please guys, get it
under control." :) It's like we're six years old and it's kinda silly
:) Some of the things she says it's like "Oh my god, I can't believe
..." Yeah and Maura says it just so and you just start laughing!
LindseyWFU asks: Do you use the internet a lot?
ANNIE PARISSE: I don't because until yesterday I didn't have a
computer... so now I will be using the internet more. If I can figure
it out :)
HuzzaMb asks: annie, how did you get the part on ATWT?
ANNIE PARISSE: Through an audition... There were several calls, a call
back and then a screentest. I found out at work -- I used to work at a
bookstore -- and [my agent called] and told me and I quit that day. My
manager at the store was great... He bought me a bottle of champagne
and a box of Krispy Kreme donuts and we all just sat around eating
donuts and drinking champagne after the store closed
rstatezny asks: what is your favorite movie and why?
ANNIE PARISSE: Oh God... favorite movies... that's so hard! My
favorite director is David Lynch and I like his work because he pushes
the limits. The silver screen should be larger than life and he makes
it larger than life
SODhost: So do you have a favorite Lynch movie?
ConnieRD asks: How much longer they going to drag out the Lily
ANNIE PARISSE: Just until they kidnap her again ;-D That's very funny!
But stayed tuned :)
labrat52 asks: do u like you like tall men
ANNIE PARISSE: I like tall men and short men and round men and blond
men and dark men....
joflyaway asks: how do you like living in New York?
ANNIE PARISSE: I love it. Couldn't imagine living anywhere else,
except maybe if it was the beach :)
Seth141 asks: are u upset about daniel leaving?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yeah, I had a wonderful time working with him and I'm
totally thrilled that I got the chance before he left. He will be
totally missed at the show and there will be a space without him
eskimochild65 asks: What's your favorite scene you've done?
ANNIE PARISSE: God, that's so hard... Actually in terms of the stuff
I've had the most fun doing [it] has been the kidnapping stuff that
I've done with Maura
cobweb46 asks: Do you have any brothers or sisters
ANNIE PARISSE: I have two little brothers
[INLINE] KES1969 asks: Your scenes with Kathleen Widdoes (Emma) seem
so sweet and genuine. How do you like working with her?
ANNIE PARISSE: Oh I love Kathleen, she's wonderful. She was one of
those people who when I was first getting used to things, she really
put me at ease. She's a very maternal person in real life as well as
on the show. She's a very comforting person.
rstatezny asks: Where would you go on your dream vacation?
ANNIE PARISSE: Right now I'm very fascinated with the Middle East,
with Beirut because I'm part Lebanese, so I think that's where I would
[INLINE] Seth141 asks: How do you like working wiht new addition from
the past Yvonne Perry(Rosanna)
ANNIE PARISSE: I haven't worked with Yvonne, and in fact we've only
just met, just passing in the hall, kind of. . .
majones47 asks: Do you have any idea what is going to happen to your
relationship with Jack?
ANNIE PARISSE: As far as I know, we'll be together for a while, but
things change on a dime in the world of daytime. So....
ANNIE PARISSE: LOL Actually, yes, it didn't help much, but I tried :)
I was in a choir when I was in middle school. So I have had singing
training, I'm just not very good :)
bsmosk asks: Annie...were you named after the musical Guys and Dolls?
ANNIE PARISSE: No. Actually, as far as I know, "Julia" was named after
the headwriter's -- Lorraine Broderick's -- daughter Julia. Her other
daughter's name is Annie, just purely coincidentally. I've met them,
they're both very sweet
Rose_in_Virginia asks: Just a comment - one of my favorite ATWT scenes
was when Jack sang to Julia on the train. Loved that.
ANNIE PARISSE: That's nice. I like that scene too :)
ryu_x asks: Did you see yourself doing As The World Turns when you
were younger?
ANNIE PARISSE: No. Mainly because I didn't watch ATWT when I was
psvr asks: If there was any other character you could play on ATWT,
which one would you like?
ANNIE PARISSE: Hmmm... I don't know I can't see myself playing another
character. I think Julia's the one for me. The other actors all do
their parts so well....
jake_to asks: ANNIE, if you were not an actor..what would you rather
ANNIE PARISSE: I love school, so I think be a teacher or a professor
OhioRobin asks: Has your character ever had an evil side?
ANNIE PARISSE: Everybody has an evil side ;-)
SoapGuy18 asks: What advice to you have for people trying to break
into soaps?
ANNIE PARISSE: It's really the same as any other acting. Know your
scene work, take scene study class and try and get an agent.
mdhaa_0 asks: have you ever done a movie?
KES1969 asks: What is your favorite TV show?
ANNIE PARISSE: The X Files. If I don't watch it, I tape it
majones47 asks: Do you have any animals?
ANNIE PARISSE: I do, I just got two kittens two weeks ago. They're
black, very small and very rowdy. Their names are Audrey and Liz
trinam_99 asks: How do you like your job
ANNIE PARISSE: I love it. I couldn't be luckier
SODhost: What's the best part of it?
ANNIE PARISSE: That I get to act all the time. Not many actors get to
say they earn their living acting
joflyaway asks: I would love to hear Michael Park sing. Any chance of
this happening in the near future?
ANNIE PARISSE: Keep your ears open :)
Seth141 asks: Is it now harder to eat in a restaurant now that your
ANNIE PARISSE: Not particularly. :) A couple of times I've had a
waiter recognize me and it's really flattering
cobweb46 asks: Do you like to cook?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yes actually I like to cook...
SoapGuy18 asks: Do you watch any other soaps? Did you watch any
growing up? Which ones?
ANNIE PARISSE: When I was in middle school for about 2 years I watched
Days of our Lives. My grandmother, on the other hand, has been
watching ATWT since 1956. She's a big fan of the show
Vlinaarth asks: What is you middle name?
ANNIE PARISSE: My middle name is Adrienne
bbbspryme asks: do you prefer crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
YartyR asks: Do you play any kind of sports?
ANNIE PARISSE: No, I played ice hockey when I was little and soccer..
but I run. Thats my athletic endeavor
KES1969 asks: I really enjoyed your recent scenes with Anthony Herrara
(James). They seemed to have developed a closeness. Will this
continue?it like working iwth Liz Hubbard
Hunk_in_CA asks: Will you ever cut your hair short?
ANNIE PARISSE: If somebody asked me to for a part, absolutely, but
without that motivation, I don't think so. Why do you think I should?
Seth141 asks: No, please don't cut that beautiful hair!!!
EBJepson99 asks: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
ANNIE PARISSE: Ben & Jerry's Phish food
LindseyWFU asks: Have you been getting a hard time from fans for
coming between Jack & Carly?
ANNIE PARISSE: Not as hard as I thought I would be getting. I was a
little nervous about that when I first started, but people have been
warming up to Julia
Seth141 asks: who did you screen test with?
YartyR asks: Do you really know karate?
ANNIE PARISSE: No, but I am a certified combatant with both the US and
British Society of Fight Directors
SODhost: Oooh La La
"Annie_Parisse" asks: When was your hair shortest, and how short was
ANNIE PARISSE: Short! It was above my ears. I cut it my sophomore year
of college. We seem to have created an uproar here :)
joflyaway asks: I like Julia and Jack. I like Carly with Hal. I think
Jack deserves a good girl like Julia who will love him.
ARRONB asks: what do you like in a guy
ANNIE PARISSE: Top three things I look for: intelligence, sense of
humor and an interest in the arts
KES1969 asks: Were the recent woods scenes filmed outdoors or on a
ANNIE PARISSE: They were filmed on the set. They were not outdoors,
they were on the set.. Pretty amazing eh?
Seth141 asks: Hi Annie, Not a question, just a complement!!! Let me
just say that besides you being in my opinion, the most talented
actress on the show, u are one of the most beautiful as well!!!
ANNIE PARISSE: Well thank you very much :)
rstatezny asks: What is the weirdest thing a fan has ever sent you or
done for you?
ANNIE PARISSE: Well I've definitely gotten some photographs. I got a
wedding picture. Honestly, the weirdest thing is one guy included six
different phone numbers where I could reach him and told me he was
coming to NY to ask me for a date.. That was pretty odd. I thought,
"My Goodness." And one fan sent me some poetry :)
Hokemjaye asks: Are you an Almond Joy or a Mounds bar?
ANNIE PARISSE: LOL I think I've got a little of each in me :)
ythgirla asks: Are you similar to the character you play in atwt's??
ANNIE PARISSE: Yes and no. I guess you cant help but be sort of tied
to a character you play and yet it's obviously not you because I would
certainly never be able to birth babies in a cabin in the middle of
the woods
majones47 asks: Is "YOUR GUY" an actor?
ANNIE PARISSE: No, he's a director and a sound designer
rstatezny asks: Who do you admire most in your life?
ANNIE PARISSE: I think my grandmother, actually. She's a real
tenacious lady.
Man_in_the_distance asks: do you like to dance?
SODhost: Thanks, Annie! And thank you all for your patience and for
joining us!
ANNIE PARISSE: Thanks for coming and thanks for the support of Julia!
It's really wonderful to have people interested in watching!
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Comments & Suggestions
Great interview! I can't believe some fan left her six different phone numbers and told her he was going to come to NY to stalk her and ask her out. The human species is so embarrassing sometimes. The insanity of some fans, lol.editorial comment: Any gal who loves Hole (Courtney Love's band) is
awesome, IMHO. -Alice
As the World Turns' Annie Parisse
September 24, 1998
[INLINE] SODhost: Hello, all! Welcome Annie, who has just joined us!
ANNIE PARISSE: Hi to everybody! I'm really excited to have this little
talk. :)
ConnieRD asks: I love you and Jack together. Are they going to keep
you a couple?
ANNIE PARISSE: Gosh! Only time will tell, right?! I hope so, too,
majones47 asks: Was it fun doing the scenes with Carly? Looked like
the two of ou were having a god time
ANNIE PARISSE: Oh, it was great! I absolutely love working with Maura,
she's wonderful.
joybrow asks: Hi Annie What do you think about Brad and Julia getting
together in the future?
[INLINE] ANNIE PARISSE: Personally -- and this has nothing to do with
what anybody with power on the show has to say, this is just Annie's
opinion -- personally I think it would be hard to make that work
because of all the bad feelings Jack has about Brad. Even if Julia &
Jack were to break up, I think she really respects his opinion, and
would really hesitate before becoming involved with Brad. But, you
never know!
rstatezny asks: why did you decide to go into acting
ANNIE PARISSE: That's a hard one. I guess I wouldn't say I really
decided, I've been doing it since I was ten or eleven and there was no
other choice for me.
TEAM_ROPER_21 asks: where are you from?
ANNIE PARISSE: I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and went to high school
in Mercer Island in Washington state.
ARRONB asks: Miss Parisse where did you attend college?
ANNIE PARISSE: Fordham College at Lincoln Center in Manhattan
psvr asks: Hi Annie Parisse! Do you like playing a "good" character
and would you like to play a "bad" one too (although I can't imagine
you ever being "bad.")
ANNIE PARISSE: LOL Yeah, I love playing a good character. This is the
first time that I've ever gotten cast this way. In college, I often
got cast as the bad girls, so for me this is a fun change. But yes, I
do like playing bad characters too :)
[INLINE] tenneyfan asks: What was it like play delievering Lily's
baby? Did you have trouble not laughing?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yes. It was fun. It was a little hard, because I've
never seen a baby being born. So I had to use a lot of imagination
and, I mean, of course Martha is one of the funniest people I've ever
worked with. So yeah, the jokes were flying!
Rose_in_Virginia asks: Have you blended well with the cast members,
both new and old at ATWT?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yeah, I think so. I have said this before but I'll say
it again. I am just stunned. I feel so lucky to be part of such a
wonderful group of people. Everyone is so welcoming and down to earth
and as a new person that's so wonderful to come into -- People to
encourage you and give you a helping hand. The veterans are all like
that, so it encourages the new people to be that way too. So it's
really a wonderful environment to be working in.
BluBerryKiwi asks: Are there any plans to bring any of Julia's family
to Oakdale?
ANNIE PARISSE: I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine
KES1969 asks: Does Julia still have a big secret that she is hiding?
[INLINE] ANNIE PARISSE: Doesn't everybody?
majones47 asks: Annie, are you ready for a love scene with Jack?
ANNIE PARISSE: Annie is nervous about doing those kinds of scenes, but
I think Julia is ready
[INLINE] ConnieRD asks: Annie you did a good job bossing David. I
didn't think you had it in you!
ANNIE PARISSE: Hey, neither did I... will wonders never cease? It's
great that they're taking her in that direction... that they're
writing it that this good girl has some intense backbone
KES1969 asks: Is the Jack/Julia/Carly triangle going to be long-term?
ANNIE PARISSE: It's a soap, what do you think? ;-)
LindseyWFU asks: Hey Annie! You were great in your fight scenes with
Daniel Markel. Did you do your own stunts?
ANNIE PARISSE: There was a fight choreographer there. I did all the
moves, but the choreographer set each move up so we had a lot of
dolphingurl89 asks: What kind of music do you listen to?
ANNIE PARISSE: All kinds.. Im very ecletic when it comes to music..
Some favorites are old country music like Hank Williams, Wanda
Jackson, Patsy Cline and .... I just bought the new Hole CD, so
there's a contrast for ya!
rstatezny asks: What hopes do you have for the future as far as your
career goes?
ANNIE PARISSE: Well, I hope that all goes well for my stay with ATWT
and I would love to try working in film. I've never done that before
so that would be very exciting for me. But a lot of people who start
in theatre say this -- and I fall in that category, so -- I hope I can
go back to the stage because that's the place where I discovered I
wanted to be an actor
[INLINE] KES1969 asks: Annie, I think you are doing a great job as
Julia. What is it like working with Michael Park?
ANNIE PARISSE: I could just go on and on. I could just gush about him.
He has a wonderful sense of humor which makes it such a joy to work
with him... He just lightens the mood. He's a very giving person too..
He's someone who's always playing on your team. You know that when
you're playing scenes with him, he's not going to let you fall, which
is great
KKaren45 asks: Annie, do you think Jack will marry Julia?
ANNIE PARISSE: We're getting way ahead of ourselves! We've only known
each other 6 months! :)
Arcticcatluver asks: Are you married?
ANNIE PARISSE: No, but I have been dating the same guy for 3 1/2
years.. so I'm seriously involved. So I'm not single either
dreucillia asks: Were you a theatre major or anything in school?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yes. I majored in theater
majones47 asks: Do Jack/Holden/David really along as well as it comes
across on the set?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yeah, absolutely. They are very very funny together.
They have a great rhythm and they go golfing all of the time
ANNIE PARISSE: Of course. He has a wonderful voice. How could anyone
not like when Michael Park sings to them
LindseyWFU asks: Do you think we'll be seeing anymore of Prince
ANNIE PARISSE: I don't think so, but don't take my word for it.
KES1969 asks: Will you be at the upcoming St. Judes Benefit?
SODhost: Are you performing?
rstatezny asks: what is your fave snack?
ANNIE PARISSE: My favorite snack at the moment are macadamia nuts
cobweb46 asks: Is this your first job on a soap
[INLINE] KES1969 asks: I loved your hostage scenes with Maura West.
How do you like working with her?
ANNIE PARISSE: I like it. :) A lot of our scenes are so over the top
that they're almost funny, they're really pushing it and we just start
laughing.. We get the giggles and they're like "Please guys, get it
under control." :) It's like we're six years old and it's kinda silly
:) Some of the things she says it's like "Oh my god, I can't believe
..." Yeah and Maura says it just so and you just start laughing!
LindseyWFU asks: Do you use the internet a lot?
ANNIE PARISSE: I don't because until yesterday I didn't have a
computer... so now I will be using the internet more. If I can figure
it out :)
HuzzaMb asks: annie, how did you get the part on ATWT?
ANNIE PARISSE: Through an audition... There were several calls, a call
back and then a screentest. I found out at work -- I used to work at a
bookstore -- and [my agent called] and told me and I quit that day. My
manager at the store was great... He bought me a bottle of champagne
and a box of Krispy Kreme donuts and we all just sat around eating
donuts and drinking champagne after the store closed
rstatezny asks: what is your favorite movie and why?
ANNIE PARISSE: Oh God... favorite movies... that's so hard! My
favorite director is David Lynch and I like his work because he pushes
the limits. The silver screen should be larger than life and he makes
it larger than life
SODhost: So do you have a favorite Lynch movie?
ConnieRD asks: How much longer they going to drag out the Lily
ANNIE PARISSE: Just until they kidnap her again ;-D That's very funny!
But stayed tuned :)
labrat52 asks: do u like you like tall men
ANNIE PARISSE: I like tall men and short men and round men and blond
men and dark men....
joflyaway asks: how do you like living in New York?
ANNIE PARISSE: I love it. Couldn't imagine living anywhere else,
except maybe if it was the beach :)
Seth141 asks: are u upset about daniel leaving?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yeah, I had a wonderful time working with him and I'm
totally thrilled that I got the chance before he left. He will be
totally missed at the show and there will be a space without him
eskimochild65 asks: What's your favorite scene you've done?
ANNIE PARISSE: God, that's so hard... Actually in terms of the stuff
I've had the most fun doing [it] has been the kidnapping stuff that
I've done with Maura
cobweb46 asks: Do you have any brothers or sisters
ANNIE PARISSE: I have two little brothers
[INLINE] KES1969 asks: Your scenes with Kathleen Widdoes (Emma) seem
so sweet and genuine. How do you like working with her?
ANNIE PARISSE: Oh I love Kathleen, she's wonderful. She was one of
those people who when I was first getting used to things, she really
put me at ease. She's a very maternal person in real life as well as
on the show. She's a very comforting person.
rstatezny asks: Where would you go on your dream vacation?
ANNIE PARISSE: Right now I'm very fascinated with the Middle East,
with Beirut because I'm part Lebanese, so I think that's where I would
[INLINE] Seth141 asks: How do you like working wiht new addition from
the past Yvonne Perry(Rosanna)
ANNIE PARISSE: I haven't worked with Yvonne, and in fact we've only
just met, just passing in the hall, kind of. . .
majones47 asks: Do you have any idea what is going to happen to your
relationship with Jack?
ANNIE PARISSE: As far as I know, we'll be together for a while, but
things change on a dime in the world of daytime. So....
ANNIE PARISSE: LOL Actually, yes, it didn't help much, but I tried :)
I was in a choir when I was in middle school. So I have had singing
training, I'm just not very good :)
bsmosk asks: Annie...were you named after the musical Guys and Dolls?
ANNIE PARISSE: No. Actually, as far as I know, "Julia" was named after
the headwriter's -- Lorraine Broderick's -- daughter Julia. Her other
daughter's name is Annie, just purely coincidentally. I've met them,
they're both very sweet
Rose_in_Virginia asks: Just a comment - one of my favorite ATWT scenes
was when Jack sang to Julia on the train. Loved that.
ANNIE PARISSE: That's nice. I like that scene too :)
ryu_x asks: Did you see yourself doing As The World Turns when you
were younger?
ANNIE PARISSE: No. Mainly because I didn't watch ATWT when I was
psvr asks: If there was any other character you could play on ATWT,
which one would you like?
ANNIE PARISSE: Hmmm... I don't know I can't see myself playing another
character. I think Julia's the one for me. The other actors all do
their parts so well....
jake_to asks: ANNIE, if you were not an actor..what would you rather
ANNIE PARISSE: I love school, so I think be a teacher or a professor
OhioRobin asks: Has your character ever had an evil side?
ANNIE PARISSE: Everybody has an evil side ;-)
SoapGuy18 asks: What advice to you have for people trying to break
into soaps?
ANNIE PARISSE: It's really the same as any other acting. Know your
scene work, take scene study class and try and get an agent.
mdhaa_0 asks: have you ever done a movie?
KES1969 asks: What is your favorite TV show?
ANNIE PARISSE: The X Files. If I don't watch it, I tape it
majones47 asks: Do you have any animals?
ANNIE PARISSE: I do, I just got two kittens two weeks ago. They're
black, very small and very rowdy. Their names are Audrey and Liz
trinam_99 asks: How do you like your job
ANNIE PARISSE: I love it. I couldn't be luckier
SODhost: What's the best part of it?
ANNIE PARISSE: That I get to act all the time. Not many actors get to
say they earn their living acting
joflyaway asks: I would love to hear Michael Park sing. Any chance of
this happening in the near future?
ANNIE PARISSE: Keep your ears open :)
Seth141 asks: Is it now harder to eat in a restaurant now that your
ANNIE PARISSE: Not particularly. :) A couple of times I've had a
waiter recognize me and it's really flattering
cobweb46 asks: Do you like to cook?
ANNIE PARISSE: Yes actually I like to cook...
SoapGuy18 asks: Do you watch any other soaps? Did you watch any
growing up? Which ones?
ANNIE PARISSE: When I was in middle school for about 2 years I watched
Days of our Lives. My grandmother, on the other hand, has been
watching ATWT since 1956. She's a big fan of the show
Vlinaarth asks: What is you middle name?
ANNIE PARISSE: My middle name is Adrienne
bbbspryme asks: do you prefer crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
YartyR asks: Do you play any kind of sports?
ANNIE PARISSE: No, I played ice hockey when I was little and soccer..
but I run. Thats my athletic endeavor
KES1969 asks: I really enjoyed your recent scenes with Anthony Herrara
(James). They seemed to have developed a closeness. Will this
continue?it like working iwth Liz Hubbard
Hunk_in_CA asks: Will you ever cut your hair short?
ANNIE PARISSE: If somebody asked me to for a part, absolutely, but
without that motivation, I don't think so. Why do you think I should?
Seth141 asks: No, please don't cut that beautiful hair!!!
EBJepson99 asks: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
ANNIE PARISSE: Ben & Jerry's Phish food
LindseyWFU asks: Have you been getting a hard time from fans for
coming between Jack & Carly?
ANNIE PARISSE: Not as hard as I thought I would be getting. I was a
little nervous about that when I first started, but people have been
warming up to Julia
Seth141 asks: who did you screen test with?
YartyR asks: Do you really know karate?
ANNIE PARISSE: No, but I am a certified combatant with both the US and
British Society of Fight Directors
SODhost: Oooh La La
"Annie_Parisse" asks: When was your hair shortest, and how short was
ANNIE PARISSE: Short! It was above my ears. I cut it my sophomore year
of college. We seem to have created an uproar here :)
joflyaway asks: I like Julia and Jack. I like Carly with Hal. I think
Jack deserves a good girl like Julia who will love him.
ARRONB asks: what do you like in a guy
ANNIE PARISSE: Top three things I look for: intelligence, sense of
humor and an interest in the arts
KES1969 asks: Were the recent woods scenes filmed outdoors or on a
ANNIE PARISSE: They were filmed on the set. They were not outdoors,
they were on the set.. Pretty amazing eh?
Seth141 asks: Hi Annie, Not a question, just a complement!!! Let me
just say that besides you being in my opinion, the most talented
actress on the show, u are one of the most beautiful as well!!!
ANNIE PARISSE: Well thank you very much :)
rstatezny asks: What is the weirdest thing a fan has ever sent you or
done for you?
ANNIE PARISSE: Well I've definitely gotten some photographs. I got a
wedding picture. Honestly, the weirdest thing is one guy included six
different phone numbers where I could reach him and told me he was
coming to NY to ask me for a date.. That was pretty odd. I thought,
"My Goodness." And one fan sent me some poetry :)
Hokemjaye asks: Are you an Almond Joy or a Mounds bar?
ANNIE PARISSE: LOL I think I've got a little of each in me :)
ythgirla asks: Are you similar to the character you play in atwt's??
ANNIE PARISSE: Yes and no. I guess you cant help but be sort of tied
to a character you play and yet it's obviously not you because I would
certainly never be able to birth babies in a cabin in the middle of
the woods
majones47 asks: Is "YOUR GUY" an actor?
ANNIE PARISSE: No, he's a director and a sound designer
rstatezny asks: Who do you admire most in your life?
ANNIE PARISSE: I think my grandmother, actually. She's a real
tenacious lady.
Man_in_the_distance asks: do you like to dance?
SODhost: Thanks, Annie! And thank you all for your patience and for
joining us!
ANNIE PARISSE: Thanks for coming and thanks for the support of Julia!
It's really wonderful to have people interested in watching!
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